Cort in the Morning
Weekday Mornings 8am Western /9.30am Central / 10am Eastern
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Cort has created a show about everything! Music from all genres, fun and interesting subjects, like Criminals Who Should Have Been Moved to the Front of the Classroom, Wish it were Fake News, Only in America, and much more. Dick Donovan joins Cort on Mondays and Wednesdays. Laura Legend is in on Fridays to make it Fri-yays!
More than just a show to expand your trivia savvy, Cort in the Morning! hopes to help with your mental health too! Dick is a licensed clinical social worker with years of experience helping people feel better. He applies his knowledge and experience to every show to make it an easy listen and a family friendly experience.
NOTE; New shows are aired Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday are shows from Cort’s back catalogue